injuries don't just happen in cars.

It's common to be unsure about whether your injury is something you should see a lawyer about.  In Louisiana, we are all bombarded with advertisements, commercials, and billboards for car accident injury claims so much, many don't know that it isn't the only kind of personal injury claim.

Just because you weren't in a car accident doesn't mean that you don't have a valid personal injury claim.   If you are injured as a result of the fault of another party, you may be entitled to financial compensation.  This means that if someone's recklessness, negligence, or intent to harm you resulted in you getting hurt, this is a very good reason to seek out legal help.

when it's not your fault, but you're paying the cost

Sadly, personal injury damages come in many forms.  The pain resulting from an injury may be preventing you from working or working as well as you did before.  Your medical bills might be out of control.  You might have even experienced the anguish of physical impairment or disfigurement.  


seek out the help you need.

Every single personal injury case is different.  We understand this.  This is why it is our very first priority to listen to you.  Our experience, excellent communication, and effectively insistent brand of litigation is praised by our clients and peers alike.  

Additionally, the Law Office of Jon G. Bethune represents accepted personal injury cases on a contingency  basis:  this means that, unless and until we recover for you, you don't pay. 

Jon Bethune is a personal injury attorney in New Orleans, Louisiana with 10 years of experience in the field.  Let an attorney attend to your case personally,  while employing the knowledge you need to begin your path to justice.

Click here to leave us a brief note about your personal injury case, or call us at (504)218-8570 for a free case evaluation.