I need a divorce:  how is this going to go for me?

Divorces don't exactly have the reputation of being cheap or easy, but the truth is that sometimes they just can't be avoided.  We know that you probably do not want your divorce process to be long, costly, or stressful.  

It is our goal to keep your divorce as simple as it can possibly be, without sacrificing a good outcome for you.

We don't want you to have to pay more in court costs and legal fees when you just want to move on with your life.  If you are looking for a quick, uncontested divorce in Louisiana, it might be possible for you.  There are some indications that your divorce may be more on the simple side:

  • You have both been living separate and apart for the time required by the law
  • You don't have children together
  • You do have children together, but your custody arrangement is completely agreed-upon
  • You do have children together, and child support is completely agreed-upon
  • You don't have much property to divide up
  • You have shared property but the division of that property is completely agreed-upon
  • Spousal support or alimony is nonexistent or not needed
  • Spousal support or alimony is completely agreed-upon between the both of you

The unsavory truth, however, is that most divorces have their complications.

It's easy to see why.  Marriages are so full of details that make each one unique.  When two people build a life together, there are many, many things they share that they probably never thought they would have to divide later on:  families, businesses, homes, cars, finances.  When you seek a divorce, it's rare that both parties agree 100% on every detail on how to split all of this up.  

Furthermore, there are so many reasons that marriages end that might affect the outcome of the divorce.  Sometimes there are untruths, or cruelties.  Sometimes there are even entire secret lives.

  • Was there adultery or spousal (domestic) abuse present in your marriage?  Was it the reason or part of the reason for your divorce? 
  • Are there shared debts between the two of you?  Debts that were incurred without your knowledge?
  • Are you seeking spousal support?
  • Are you defending yourself against a spousal support claim? 
  • Do you disagree on the amount of spousal support or child support that should be paid?
  • Are you seeking child support?
  • Are you defending yourself in a child support claim?
  • Are you disagreeing on how to divide up the finances, properties, businesses, or any items of worth?
  • Is there a dispute over custody of your children?

If you even anticipate that any of the answers to these questions even might be "yes", it is time to seek help from an experienced and well-rated New Orleans divorce lawyer.

As far as we are concerned, when you are seeking a Louisiana divorce lawyer, we believe you deserve a lawyer who can help explain your divorce case in a way you can understand, and who collaborates with you for the best possible outcome.  We believe you deserve a lawyer who can fight for you in the most efficient way possible, who can help you avoid excess fees or the wasting of your precious time.   You deserve respect, empathy, and communication.  

In divorces simple and complex, clarity is key.  

Our array of client- and peer-based awards and praises spring directly from our constant strive to be as transparent as possible with our clients.  This is why that it’s important to us that the same face of our business is directly involved in each of our clients’ cases.  Jon G. Bethune is an experienced and effective family law and divorce attorney with 11 years of experience in the field.  Every case that passes through our doors is personally attended to by him.

 High emotions and frayed nerves are the unfortunate hallmarks of most divorces.  However, if you’re facing a divorce in New Orleans, Louisiana, this is the time to stand up for yourself.  Call us at our office at (504)218-8570 or click here to send us a free case evaluation.  Let us help you take the first step towards moving on with your life in the best possible direction.